Here's how you can help...

Become a member
… and help to shape it!
Already from a minimum monthly contribution of 10.00 euros, you can participate in our heart project. Regular donations ensure the existence of the Children’s village. You have the possibility to become a member by completing the Online Form or download the UCV Application for membership and fill it out and send it back to us. Once a year, a membership meeting is held where you are invited participate, vote and be proactive.
Even if you do not wish to be a member of the association, we would appreciate every euro you donate to the children. The association works selflessly and all donations benefit the children 100%. of course, you will receive a donation receipt for your support, which you can use for tax purposes if necessary.
In addition to monetary donations, the children are also happy to receive clothing, painting materials and toys. During our visits we always like to take a few surprises with us. Please make sure to coordinate this with us in advance.
Our bank details:
UPENDO Children’s Village e. V. or UCV e. V.
Berlin Savings Bank
IBAN: DE20 1005 0000 6000 0247 10
You can also find us on betterplace.org “Upendo”.
Support education!
Our claim is to be able to send all children to an adequate, i.e. in Kenya normally a private, school. Help us to guarantee this claim! 40,- Euro per month cover the costs for school fees, transport, uniform and books and enable a child to attend school.
Support selected projects
Here we would like to “put out to tender” special projects within the framework of the UPENDO Children “s Village. These tenders can be proposed for example by the board of directors of the UPENDO Children “s Trust, but in any case they have been checked on site by the management and the UPENDO Children “s Trust Foundation for their necessity and economic compatibility.
With this we want to give you as a supporter the possibility to support a special investment for the children and/or the village. Be it because you consider this project to be particularly meaningful and worthy of support or also because you feel professionally connected to this measure. With an earmarked donation you know exactly where your funds will be used.
Our most important projects at the moment:
Construction of a photovoltaic system
Construction of a workshop
Roof Small Boys House
Roof Security House Renewal of electrics
Ongoing maintenance of all buildings (painting, repairs etc.)
Sanitary repairs/maintenance of all buildings
Visit the Children's village
Get to know our children and the life in an orphan village and support us directly on site. We have provided more information on the Visitor-Handout .
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
UPENDO Children’s Village e.V.
c/o gpc GmbH
Kantstrasse 129
10625 Berlin
Clara Ramos da Silva Stiefel
+49 173 6939145
e-mail: info@ucv-ukunda.com

We believe that with you we can protect more lives
Ein Kurzbericht von Michele Verdone (Freiwilliger aus Deutschland): An meinem zweiten Tag im UPENDO Children‘s Village in Kenia stand die Einschulung von Gloria in der öffentlichen Highschool auf dem Programm. Ein spannender und für Gloria wegweisender Moment – der allerdings durch stundenlanges Warten etwas getrübt wurde. Zum ersten Mal sorgte dafür Glorias Schwester. Aufgrund ihrer Verspätung fuhren wir statt um 9 Uhr erst um 10 Uhr los – „Pole Pole“ (heiß auf Kiswahili: „Langsam Langsam“.)
Unsere Geduld wurde durch den aufwändigen Anmeldeprozess jedoch erst wirklich auf die Probe gestellt. Er umfasst fünf Schritte, die alle mit sehr langer Wartezeit verbunden sind. Wer denkt, die Bürokratie in Deutschland macht Prozesse langsam und schwierig, der wird in Kenia erleben, dass es noch deutlich komplizierter geht. Die Unterlagen, die wir für die Anmeldung in dreifacher Ausführung ausgedruckt mitgebracht hatten, umfassten mehrere Schnellhefter – inklusive Kopien von Passbildern der Erziehungsberechtigten/Verantwortlichen. Die Anmeldung am Gate ging dank der guten Vorbereitung von der Upendo-Managerin Michelle noch recht fix. Danach wurden erstmalig sämtliche Dokumente auf Vollständigkeit geprüft, es wartete also die erste nicht zu umgehende Schlange auf uns. Nachdem wir die Prüfung durch die sehr streng dreinschauende Oberlehrerin erfolgreich bestanden hatten, durften wir uns in die nächste Schlange stellen: Die Koffer und sämtliche mitgebrachte Habseligkeiten der Schüler:innen werden hier genaustens kontrolliert – und aussortiert. Ob Hygieneartikel oder Proviant: Die Liste an „verbotenen“ Inhalten scheint sehr lang zu sein.